Shadow Work is a life-changing process that helps you explore and understand yourself more deeply. Through this process, you will become empowered to be the best version of yourself. Sounds great, right? If only there were an easy guide on how to do Shadow Work.
As a mental health therapist and Shadow Work Practitioner, I am passionate about the healing process that comes from fully embracing oneself. This post is ALL ABOUT how to do Shadow Work.
What is Shadow Work?
When you think about how to do Shadow Work, you might be led to think about the supernatural or “woo-woo” practices. However, Shadow Work is more founded in psychology and involves getting to understand the subconscious parts of your brain.
Most psychological theories agree that there are internal drivers that guide human behavior, even when you don’t know what those drivers are. Oftentimes, your behavior is guided by beliefs, experiences, or desires that your mind has suppressed, due to feelings of shame. This is the Shadow.
The Shadow Self encompasses all the parts of you that you don’t want to acknowledge are there. For example, the part of you that might sometimes think about hurting others, or the part of you that enjoys getting attention from people. These parts are not indicative that you’re a bad person, rather they exist in all of us.
Understand the Concept of Parts
There is a part of you that really enjoys people, and a part of you that doesn’t trust others. There is a part of you that loves the idea of productivity, and a part of you that loves to rest.
The concept of parts, or subpersonalities, has existed in history, literature, and psychology for hundreds of years. Humans are complex beings, and often contradict themselves. This can lead to inner conflict and incongruence, especially if there is a part of you that goes against your value system.
We won’t go into too much depth with parts work (it can get VERY interesting), but before starting shadow work, it’s important to try and recognize and accept all parts for what they are. When you step back and observe the parts, without judgement, they become easier to work with and manage.
Read more about parts work in the book, No Bad Parts, by Richard Schwartz.
Pay Attention to Incongruence
A big indicator that shadow work needs to be done, is when you’re experience incongruence, or internal conflict. For example, when you behave in ways that are outside of your values (like losing your temper) or you find yourself disliking someone for reasons that don’t make sense.
The more you pay attention to your values and your behavior, the more you will be able to recognize these inner conflicts. Here are some easy ways to begin exploring from home:
How to Do Shadow Work Exploration
Dream Analysis
Lead with Compassion
It’s important to note that the things that are hidden in your shadow are there for a reason. Oftentimes, as you begin exploring, you will find things that you feel shame about. Being able to have self-compassion and curiosity is imperative while doing shadow work. Everything that makes you YOU can exist, and you can still be a good and whole person.
When you notice thoughts, feelings or memories that make you feel icky, try and understand what purpose they serve. The part of your mind that imagines hurting someone, might just be a deeply wounded or protective part of you, but doesn’t mean that it is something you will follow through with, because doing so is against your values. This concept is true for any part that exists in the shadow.
Once you understand that these more negative aspects are a part of you, and everyone, you can embrace them for what they are without letting them drive your behavior. You see, these things exist and drive behavior regardless of whether we want to accept them. By acknowledging and embracing, you empower yourself to make more conscious decisions.
If you want to learn more about how to do Shadow Work, I encourage you to explore my Shadow Work Practitioner Certificate Training Course, which will guide you through the depths of the Shadow Work Process.
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