What if creating the life that you desire is easier than you think? Most Law of Attraction techniques are simply changes in how you think and speak, which can cause a huge ripple effect in your external world.
As a mental health therapist and believer in the Law of Attraction, I LOVE to share some of these easily applied techniques with others. This post is ALL ABOUT Law of Attraction Techniques.
What is the Law of Attraction?
The law of attraction is the belief that whatever you put your energy or attention toward is what you will receive back. For example, if you put your attention toward the belief that the worst always happens, then the worst will continue to happen. On the contrary, if you put your energy towards the belief that luck is always in your favor, then luck will continue to be in your favor.
Scientifically, the law of attraction is centered around the idea that people, on a quantum level, can affect energies around them through observation, conscious thought, or words (see double slit experiment).
Psychologically, human minds tend to scan for evidence of what they already believe to be true. So, shifting the belief system can shift the perceived reality.
Whichever way you choose to understand the Law of Attraction, these seven techniques are simply to apply to your life to start seeing immediate change.
Give your Desire Attention
The simplest of the Law of Attraction techniques is giving your desire attention. First step is asking yourself, “What do I want?”
Do you want abundance? Do you want good health? Do you want connection?
Whenever you discover what you want, give attention to these things in a POSITIVE way. Avoid looking at it from a perspective of lack. For example, the phrase, “I wish I had better health,” is focusing on the distress of the current poor health, as opposed to, “I am creating healthy lifestyle habits,” which focuses positive energy toward the same desire. Instead of focusing on the pain in your knee, focus on the ease in your ankles.
See the difference?
Positive Affirmation WITH Positive Vibes
You’ve probably heard of positive affirmations, but have you heard that saying positive affirmations that you don’t believe to be true don’t really work that well? That’s because when you are telling yourself something that has a negative energy tied to it, it’s actually just drawing negativity to that statement, instead of attracting it.
There are ways to change these statements to feel more true to you. For example, instead of “I have an abundance of money,” you might say, “I am in the process of creating an abundance of money.” Instead of, “I love my body just the way that it is,” you might say, “I have decided that I’m going to love my body just the way it is.”
These slight changes bring a more positive vibration to the statements, which then brings an attraction of those things into your life.
Create a Desire Statement
According to the book Law of Attraction, creating a desire statement helps to focus your energy on your desire. This statement can be repeated daily or multiple times a day.
Author Michael J. Losier formulated the Desire Statement like this:
Opening Sentence
I am in the process of attracting all that I need to do, know, or have, to attract my ideal desire.
Use any of the following starters and fill the blank with your desire.
I love knowing that my ideal _____.
I love how it feels when ______.
I’ve decided ______.
More and more ______.
It excites me______.
I love the idea of ______.
I’m excited at the thought of _______.
I love seeing myself _______.
Closing Sentence
The Law of Attraction is unfolding and orchestrating all that needs to happen to bring me my desire.
Gratitude Practice
One of the most important Law of Attraction techniques is gratitude or celebrating the evidence. Gratitude practice is more than just saying thanks. Rather, it’s being intentional to look for proof that your desire already exists.
It’s easy to focus on proof that the negative exists, because that’s the way that brains are wired. It takes intentional effort to focus on the proof that the positive exists.
For example, if your desire is good health, then notice all the parts of your body that are functioning well. “My heart continued to beat strong today,” or “I just walked up the stairs and my breath feels strong.”
If your desire is abundance, you might notice the discount code you used or the tax advice someone gave you for free.
There are all kinds of ways to notice that your desire exists, you just have to look for it!
Visualize the life you want. Seems easy right? Spending intentional time visualizing your desire, noticing how it feels to imagine you have your desire, and amplifying those sensations can help create a positive vibrational energy that will then bring that energy back into your life.
I prefer to meditate for at least 10 minutes a day, focusing on this desired reality, but you can also visualize through the use of vision boards, writing exercises, or other creative methods.
Acting “As If”
One of my favorite Law of Attraction techniques to practice is acting “as if.” Act as if your desired outcome is already true. This doesn’t mean to act as if you are a billionaire by spending tons of money, rather it means to embody the energy that comes from believing the desire to be true.
When you imagine that everything is working in your favor, what energy comes into your body? Now, use that energy to engage with the world around you.
For example, when I believe that I don’t have time, I might engage with the world in a hurry or not prioritize things I would like to do, because I believe I don’t have time for them anyways. If I believe that I have plenty of time, then I calm down, creating more positive energy, and I tend to find time for the things I want to do.
Detachment, while an easy concept, is one of the more difficult Law of Attraction techniques for people to adopt. Detachment means letting go of outcome. It means to let go of the control or the “how” your desire becomes reality.
This is an exercise of faith. It’s putting trust in the Universe or God or whatever external energies you believe in.
For example, when you desire abundance, you may believe that you know the best way to achieve that. You might find yourself going down the same path over and over, pushing through continued resistance, which will cause frustration and create negative vibrations.
Instead, simply put the energy toward abundance and see what opportunities present themselves to you. Lean into what feels easy or natural, continuing those positive vibrations. When you let go, you’ll be surprised how much quicker your desires come true.

Trying a few of these simple techniques can bring huge change to your present reality. I hope this post helped you better understand Law of Attraction Techniques.
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